Teach Me About the Great Lakes celebrates the Great Lakes as environmental, economic, and cultural treasures.

Teach Me About the Great Lakes started as a twice-monthly podcast in which my co-hosts and I ask smart people to help us understand Great Lakes science and culture. This newsletter is not part of the official show; think of it as a learning journal. Every month or so, I’ll write about what we’re working on, what we’ve learned, and share my understanding of the critical Great Lakes issues that we’re learning about on the show. Plus, readers will get a behind-the-scenes look at the process of developing, recording, and releasing the show.

Why should I subscribe?

All subscribers get the newsletter sent to their inboxes. This is a handy way to make sure you don’t miss an issue!

What are paid subscriptions?

Paid subscriptions are a way to support Gobydog Media and Teach Me About the Great Lakes. Accepting donations on the podcast has proven to be a bureaucratic challenge, so this is a way to support what we’re doing. Nobody’s making money here: 100% of the subscription money after taxes and fees will go to support Gobydog Media, which co-produces Teach Me About the Great Lakes, Ask Dr. Fish, and, eventually, some other shows. We’ll use the funds to support the podcasts directly (purchase software, equipment, editing time, etc.).

About Me

I’m Stuart Carlton, Assistant Director of the Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program at Purdue University, a research assistant professor and head of the Coastal and Great Lakes Social Science Lab in the Department of Forestry & Natural Resources at Purdue. The students I work with and I research the relationship between knowledge, values, trust, and behavior in complex or controversial environmental systems. I am also the host and executive producer of the Teach Me About the Great Lakes podcast and the writer of Teach Me About the Great Lakes: The Newsletter.

Subscribe to Teach Me About the Great Lakes: The Newsletter

Teach Me About the Great Lakes celebrates the Great Lakes as environmental, economic, and cultural treasures.


A twice-monthly podcast in which we ask smart people to teach us all about the Great Lakes. A partnership between Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and Gobydog Media.